Is your writing style clear? Is it enjoyable and does it serve your story?

Have you created a distinct voice, one that is strong on the page and sets your work apart?

Do you have the right tools to enliven your characters, strengthen your plot, and intensify mood, tone, suspense, and setting?

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The writer’s resource for smart, constructive editing services

For three decades, we have helped writers add depth and polish to their stories and move their writing to the next level. With a particular interest in crime fiction and memoir, we work with committed writers at every stage, from first-time authors to established professionals.

Why work with an editor?

The right editor will help you create work that is fresh and engaging, clear and correct. An editor can show you how to revise efficiently, moving your work forward without overwriting or losing spontaneity. A skilled editor will help you write a compelling book, one that will bring your readers along and resonate with an audience.

Specializing in crime fiction and memoir

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